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21 May 2015

5 Reasons You Should Marry A Yoruba Lady

1. Yoruba women are Respectful From the moment they were born, Yoruba women were taught how to treat different types of people with respect. For example, it is in the Yoruba culture that when a Yoruba woman meets an elder, she must greet her by kneeling as a sign of respect. She must not call an older person by their name. Instead, it is cultural that an older person be called, “mommy”, “aunty”, “uncle”, “daddy”,
“sister”, “brother”, etc. 
2. Yoruba women are Family-Oriented
One thing yoruba women were also taught when they were younger was to cherish their family"because in the end, that is who will be standing for you. Even though sometimes friends come and go, family is forever.

3. Yoruba women Age Gracefully
This point is self explanatory. The aging of a Yoruba woman can even be compared to fine wine. It gets better as the years grow older.

4. Yoruba women are Hardworking 
Most Yoruba women grew up with their mothers teaching them how to cook, clean, and hold down her household. 
5. Yoruba women are Well-Rounded

They are smart, talented, hard-working women—ready to take this world by storm!

summary: If you are married to a Yoruba woman, count yourself lucky and cherish every moment with her! For all my single guys out there that are not yet married, I would urge you to give Yoruba women a shot! You will not be disappointed. And for all my Yoruba women, single or married, stay encouraged. You are a beautiful and amazing woman that has the ability to achieve anything you put your mind to, no matter your circumstance! 
If your wife isn't Yoruba.. Then you're missing a lot

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