If you have a strange vaginal odor, the first step you should take is to find the source of the cause and treat it as soon as possible to avoid any future infections or complications. Here are Top 7 Ways to Make Your Vagina Smell Good!
1. Understand the Causes.
and diseases are the major causes of serious vaginal odor. Examples of
such infections and diseases include yeast and bacterial infections,
STIs, STDs, or viruses like herpes. Even much more serious problems like
some kinds of cancer or internal ruptures can cause vaginal odor. You
will need to monitor your body for other signs of illness and if you
really feel that your vaginal odor is unnatural, see your doctor.
thing you should look out for are unusual discharges from your vagina.
Brown, green, or chunky white discharges are signs of infection and you
need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Bear in mind that some
discharge is normal and healthy but it should not smell!
Watch your diet. Certain foods tend to affect your body in certain
ways, by altering your body’s balance of sugar, bacteria, and chemical
-Start by eating less sugar. A spike in blood sugar can cause yeast infections and buildup, which will cause bad odor.
eating pineapple. Though there is no scientific evidence, many people
swear by the idea that pineapple improves both taste and smell for both
is also a great way to help women keep a healthy vagina, as it contains
the bacteria which naturally occurs in our body to maintain a healthy
Try shaving or trimming. Having pubic hair can create an environment
that harbors bacteria if not cleaned properly. If you want to reduce the
likelihood of this being a problem, you can shave your pubic hair or
keep it cut short.
4. Good hygiene
you use soap, antibacterials, use pools frequently, take hot baths, use
lotion too close to the vulva, don’t change underwear often enough, use
scented pads, use underwear made out of stifling material, this can
cause problems.
Rinse your vulva with water, avoid soap in your vulva, and wear clean clothes.
Another powerful antibiotic is garlic, specifically a clove of garlic.
Insert one into the vagina and keep it there for a few hours to remove
Avoid hot baths and hot tubs. Surrounding your vagina with overly hot
water will kill much of your body’s natural bacteria which preserves the
delicate balance of your vagina. Avoid sitting in very hot water too
frequently or for too long.
Change pads every four to eight hours during the menstrual cycle, as needed.
If it’s your natural body odor that is offending you, try increasing
your fish, fruit, and vegetable intakes while reducing consumption of
red meats.
summary: Never think that your natural smells are bad smells, it’s
designed to smell like a vagina and that is a good thing, it’s not
supposed to smell like soap, perfumes or flowers!
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