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19 October 2015

Guys; See What To Do When She Doesn’t Want Se*x

Left untreated, female sexual dysfunction can destroy your marriage. You owe it to yourself and to your husband to see your doctor to see what could be causing your lack of interest in se.x. This is a situation where communication between spouses is critical. Talk about it with one another!
Sexual Dysfunction Definition

Lack of interest in se.x, low libido (hypoactive sexual desire disorder – HSDD)
Se.xual intercourse is painful (dyspareunia)
Inability to reach orgasm (anorgasmia)
Difficulty in becoming aroused
Possible Causes of Low Sexual Desire in Wives
Diminished blood flow to the va.gina and uterus
Use of illegal substances
Injury to nerves and blood vessels after a hysterectomy
Hormone deficiency
Low levels of testosterone
High level of stress

Desire to punish or control husband
Conflict concerning sexual orientation
Endocrine or neurological disorders
Cardiovascular disease
Power issues in marriage
Emotional problems
Childhood sexual abuse
Marriage problems and unresolved relationship issues
Depression and anxiety disorders
Antidepressants and other medications
Chronic pain
Available Treatments
Eros-CD, a nonsurgical device
Testosterone cream
Vaginal lubricants
Estrogen patch or pills
Reduce stress
Behavioral therapy

Marriage counseling
Lose weight
Natural remedies like chocolate
Please remember, that this site is for informational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with your questions regarding a medical or psychological condition.

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