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5 June 2015

How to Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often

Do you feel that your Girlfriend or Wife doesn't make enough Romantic Gestures? Follow these 9 simple steps, and she will Kiss and Hug you always! Enjoy..
1. Be playful. Make her want to be around you. Be in a good mood, make her laugh, she'll want to show you more affection. don't complain to her about all the little things that bother you. If you're a lovable guy, she will always show you affection. 

2. Show her affection. Girls love to be pampered. If you show her affection, she'll show you affection back. 

3. Don't be too secretive.

4. Learn to back off a little bit. Respect her feelings and back off a little. Im not saying you should stop showing affection completely; but slow down with the kisses and hugs, and focus on putting more emotion into the ones you do give her.

5. Don't play with her heart. 

6. Spoil her. Make her feel as if she is the only girl on earth who means something to you. This will make her comfortable, relaxed, and happy. When you spoil her, she will definitely show you how spoiled you make her feel.
Open the door for her, ask for her opinion, give her 100% freedom to make choices. Be a gentleman.
7. Give her genuine compliments, and always Deliver your compliments with a smile and in a sweet tone. Act like you mean it.

8. have a good hygiene. Wash your clothes, brush your teeth, wear a pleasant scent, She'll enjoy having your cheeks next to hers. Also, wash your hair regularly and let her play with it. Girls like playing with their boyfriends' hair. 

9. Surprise her. It doesn't have to be anything big. In addition, tell her you think about her all the time; tell her why she's special to you.. She'll be amazed!

Please let us know what you think and share your tips in the comment section below

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