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5 June 2015

How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Ejaculating before you or your partner wanted you to, is a common problem most men face at some point in their lives.  Here are 12 Strategies to help you get over Premature Ejaculation and Improve Your Sexual Stamina.
1. The first step is the "Stop and Start" Method. Begin by masturbating alone, bringing yourself close to orgasm and stopping. After relaxing, you should continue bringing yourself closer and closer to orgasm until you can’t hold it any longer. Doing this several times by yourself without distraction will help you learn where your point of no return is. When you feel that you've mastered the technique. the two of you can now engage in sexual activity.

2. Take a deep Breath. Focusing on your breath takes your attention away from your genitals. Rapid breathing excites and arouses you. Slow and controlled breathing, way down into your belly, calms you and helps delay ejaculation. 

3. Squeeze the base of the penis at the same point you are at the brink of orgasm. The idea is to reduce your erection through squeezing. Make sure you do it on your own first, master it, and then invite your partner to practice the technique with her. :-)

4. Apply pressure on the Perineum. Pressing on the perineum, will help to stop ejaculation because this spot reaches through to the prostate gland. It is the prostate that contracts and expands during orgasm and then expels the ejaculation fluid. You can ask your partner to apply this pressure for you.
NOTE: The perineum is a spot midway between your scrotum and your anus.

5. Testes Tug: When you near orgasm, your scrotum rises up closer to your body. You can delay ejaculation by gently pulling your
testes down and away from your body. 

6. Pay more attention to Foreplay. stimulate your partner first. Stimulate your partner enough manually, orally or with toys, and they may not need a long round of intercourse to finish happy.

7. Wear a condom. Condoms reduce stimulation for most men, which should prolong the time before ejaculation. Let him put the condom on himself . This improves the chance of him not getting too turned on beforehand.

8. Change positions. When having sex, try changing positions rather than stopping. Some men last much longer when their partner is on top. You can also try a side-by-side position. 

NOTE: Doggy style and missionary style increases stimulation and friction on the glans, so take them off the list for now.

9. Slowing your movements and opting for gentler, more teasing intercourse also helps you hold off orgasm longer. If you find yourself getting too close to orgasm, slow down for a bit, change to a new position, or take a break to stimulate your partner in other ways.

10. Think nonsexual thoughts. If you notice yourself getting too excited, turn your thoughts to something unsexy, such as maths, traffic jam, or football. Dwell on it long enough to give yourself a short break from arousal, maybe 6 to 10 seconds, then refocus your attention on your partner. 
WARNING: Don't think of a topic that is going to make you stressed or cause you to lose your arousal entirely.

11. See a medical professional. If you always ejaculate less than a minute after beginning vaginal intercourse, and none of the tips I mentioned above have worked, you need to see a medical professional.

12. Most importantly: Don't let your fear about premature ejaculation stop you from having sex. Bear in mind that most men gain more control over ejaculation as they get older. So, if you're still young, don't worry too much.. you'll probably out grow premature ejaculation, especially with more practice.

Please let us know what you think and share your tips in the comment section below.

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