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17 September 2015

READ! 5 Things To Avoid If You Want A Job In Nigeria

The shrill ring of my phone alarm jolts me awake. I scramble up and reach for the phone to turn it off and as I do that, I remember that today is the big day. After attending over 50 interviews in the past 6 months with no job still, I’m really praying that today’s interview will be a success. Well at least this time, I know what not to do.
Sound familiar? If you’re like me and looking for how to ace that big interview and land your dream job, here are some things you should never do:

1• Never Show Up Under/Over-Dressed
One time I showed up to this interview sweating profusely, with stains all over my shirt from the bus ride and my CV folded like a suya wrapper. Of course I never heard back from the company.
2• Never Act Like You’re Not Confident
I used to be so nervous at interviews. It was so bad that at one interview my voice was shaking so badly that I couldn’t even say my own name. Practice how to be more confident in interviews by having your friends pose as interviewers and asking you questions. One more tip is to imagine the interviewer in an embarrassing situation, where they need you to save them. That always works.
3• Never, Ever Bad Mouth Your Current Or Past Employers
So your last job was so terrible and you need to tell your interviewer this to prove that’s why you’re leaving? Bad idea. This is a sure-fire way to not get the current job.

4• Never Show Up Unprepared
Going for an interview but don’t even know if the company has a website? I can see you like sitting at home because this is one thing employers always weed out for. Take your time to research the company and have some questions prepared so they know that you really want the job. Also make sure you are at the venue at least 30 minutes before the interview is scheduled to start.
5• Never Forget To Follow Up
Interviewers typically interview hundreds of candidates at one time. One way to make sure you stand out from the crowd is to send a follow up mail or phone call the day after the interview thanking the interviewer for their time and reminding them of why you are the best candidate for the job.
There you have it. I have exhausted my data plan giving you all the tips I have learned. I will just quickly recharge my phone with my Zoto app, take a shower and go get my dream job!

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